A Design for Success


15 Day 


A Design for Success

Today I've decided to begin a new Personal Challenge. I love personal challenges because I believe I become stronger spiritually, emotionally and physically.  Personal Challenges also improve my confidence & my character.

The Challenge.
For 15 days I'll eat mostly vegetarian and drink a lot of healthy smoothies.
I'm going to combine this eating challenge with a spiritual component where for 15 days I also rise a least 30 to 60 minutes before I usually get up and I'll pray and then stretch for 10 minutes.
One to two days out of the two weeks I'll eat fish. Also between one and four days but not necessarily consecutively, I'll fast and have nothing but water for a good portion of the day. When any fast is broken prayer or meditation should facilitate, followed by a very light meal.

There are many ways to do challenges and this one focuses on what I'll eat but I'm incorporating other components to help me insure success. For example I'll pray and meditate on my goal and I'll also read a book which will act as a guide or mentor for my goal. Also I've gathered  up a few affirmations which have provided me with strength and encouragement in the past.

A. The Plan
1. Eat only fish (no chicken, or red meat). Eat lots of complex carbs and fruits.  Juice and make smoothies. No junk food and for snacks enjoy smoothies and fruit instead.

2. Decide on a begin date and an end date for the challenge. Doing challenges is easier when there is less stress in your life but let's face it, stress is an indeterminate factor that happens intermittently and at times is worse than others. Right now there is a great deal more stress in my life but my eating and good habits are out of control so I'll need to do this challenge to reign in the bad habits and reverse the damage done.

I realize there will be triggers with or without stress. From this point forward in my article I'll write as though I'm speaking to you, my reader and I'll discuss how to do a successful challenge because I've had people write and ask me in my past blog how to successfully complete a challenge.

You must prepare for the triggers that may knock you off your game. Prepare for the triggers like you're in a war and it's a life or death scenario because the triggers will make you fail over and over again until you feel despair and hopelessness.

What to Do About the Triggers:
    a. Recognize what the triggers are (emotional baggage that present themselves as insecurities, sadness, boredom, loneliness, anger, stress, depression, anxiety and worry.

So the trigger makes you feel a certain way and you want to alleviate that feeling with food or something else that makes you feel good. Stay in the moment and consider your success vs. failure and what your goal is.

Now consider what a coward you're being by sabotaging your life if you give in to the trigger and sabotage your challenge.

Set up something healthier to eat instead whatever you've been eating and that's making you unhealthy in mind, body and spirit. Or if prayer or meditation work for you then have a prayer or meditation already designed to use to thwart the trigger.

b. Talk to your self and use affirmations already designed to deal with specific issues. Once the affirmations are used move on and place your thoughts on something new, not the trigger or the stress.

B. Strategy
1.Research the meals I will enjoy and can make at home.
2. Research healthy and delicious smoothies and juices.
3.Decide on what nudges and habits to incorporate to stay on track.
4. Motivation: To stay motivated remember motivation is fleeting, you must be driven for a purpose, what is it you are trying to do.
5. Mindset. Your thinking determines everything.

C. Action also known as Tactics

1. Visualize success multiple times a day.

2. Prepare ahead of time most of the meals and smoothies.

2. When dining out choose a hardy and filling salad or a Omega healthy fish like salmon or trout and a side of steamed vegetables, (no butter or heavy oil.

D. Outcome
When the challenge is complete I'll share with you how I feel, energy wise, spiritually and emotionally as well as physically. And I'll celebrate!!

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

If you're interested in taking this challenge too leave a comment and let me know. I'd be happy to give you suggestions on food to prepare and smoothies to prepare as well as books to read and affirmations to repeat to yourself. 
